1. Ronald Mcnair's perseverance

As a child, he was refused to have books from a library for being black. He worked hard, got a PhD, became an astronaut. Later, the same library was named after him.

2. The incredible Terry Fox

With an amputated leg, Terry ran 5373 Km in 143 days to raise money for cancer study but succumbed. His grit inspired many; as an event in his name raised $800M till now.

3. The motherhood of Sindhutai Sapkal 

Married at the tender age of 12, she was left on the streets with her child to beg at 20. She didn't lose humanity and fostered 1500 orphans with love. 

4. The superman David Goggins

Abused by father in childhood, and being 300 lb obese by 24. He challenged himself, joined Navy SEALS, and competed in various events to become 'the fittest man of USA'. 

5. Inspiring Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

Born in a fishermen's family, Dr Kalam had studied under street lights. But, with hard work, honesty, and dedication, he became 'The missile man of India'.